It is something really awful when those subscribers are harming your performance numbers to whom you are trying to entice. An email is one of the great ways to connect with the target audience, but if your list is full of infectious email addresses, then you need to clean the mailing list. Sending messages to individuals who are not active, decreases your engagement rate and make it more difficult for the subscribers to reach your brand. If you don’t eliminate such email addresses, you’re risking getting blocked and blacklisted. However, don’t forget to clean the marketing list using an email verifier. The following are four types of the email address that hurts your deliverability rate.

Invalid Email Addresses

Such types of addresses are unavailable because they don’t match the existing email ids. Most of the time, you end up with invalid addresses because the clients submit their information with typos. But, a few clients purposely provide a wrong email address because they hate to access their content; that’s why they gave in correct email id. You may have a smart marketing method, but it will end up in hard bounces. And, when the number rises more than 2%, your messages are permanently blocked by the email service providers. Consider using a verification tool to remove all the client, causing hard bounces.

Spam Traps

Spam traps pose a severe threat to business owners because it concludes in blacklisting your organization. The inbox providers typically hide such address on webpages and marketers who utilizes software to acquire clients fall trap and then end up sending newsletters to these spam traps. These email addresses are never taken legally, so the ESPs know that you either bought a list or acquired regulars through illegitimate ways. And, you get blocked permanently by the email service providers.

Inactive Subscribers

Inactive subscribers are the individuals who never engage with your newsletter and also never open your messages in the past. Consider sending a reactivation campaign to get back the trust of the potential readers. Inactive subscribers decrease your open and engagement rate, which affects your marketing success.

Email marketing has a vast potential and offers countless possibilities to be creative when reaching your clients (or potential clients). But to reach those individuals with your top-notch campaign, your email truly needs to land in their inbox.

Surely, you don’t want to waste your time and money on email marketing only to end up blacklisted, blocked, or filtered as spam. The matter is that if you practice poor email hygiene and ignore the best practices, it may happen quicker than you think.

Undelivered marketing email means lost opportunity, and undelivered transactional email means disappointed or angry clients.However, remember to scrub the mailing list regularly.

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