The larger and bigger is ideally not the best,specifically when it comes to estimating the number of subscribers. As a marketer, you need to strive to grow their email marketing list continuously, but you need individuals who are genuinely interested in your marketing campaign. You need active subscribers over dead subscribers to increase your revenue. Inactive readers increase the opportunity cost and result in a failed marketing campaign. If you are having a large number of idle or unengaged subscribers,then it affects your email deliverability and hampers the sender’s reputation. Focus on creating an active marketing list, which is regularly cleaned using verify email. Here are a few ways to reconnect with the inactive subscribers.

Know the Reason for Inactivation

Your readers could have become inactive due to several reasons, and understanding these reasons is essential to connect back with them. Here are a few potential reasons for dormant readers.

  • Your clients are interested in your content but are very busy to read the messages.
  • Your emails are directly reaching the junk or the spam folder.
  • Your content no longer resonates with your target audience.
  • You send messages at the wrong time, and it doesn’t match with the readers.
  • The readers have probably changed their email ids from which they subscribed.

Know the reason for a customer leaving the campaign and then effectively change your content so that it piques interest in the inactive readers. Without knowing the details, understanding the mindset of the target audience is extremely difficult.

What Should You Do?

Focus on gathering information about the past engagement of the readers as you can create highly personalized email messages to the target audience. Use the data effectively to produce content that resonates more quickly with your readers. Offer a discount or promotional offer to tell the subscribers that you miss their presence. Though, before sending the messages, use a validation tool to communicate with your readers effectively.

Saying Goodbye

Bid goodbye to the readers who don’t reply to your email messages.Even after sending the re-activation campaign. That’s the sign they no longer wanted to get the email messages from your brand. So don’t waste your precious time on these types of readers. Quickly say goodbye to them and then make efforts to get new subscribers for your mailing list.

Re-activation campaigns are always the best technique, so try the above tactics to get your desired goals and engage your inactive subscribers quickly.

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