Today, we discuss the Modern Magic tricks. As we all knew that Modern magic has the ability to shine, through the tons of deck or the diverse Metagame, it...
Hi everyone, hope you are fine. In this article, I will discuss the Standard rotation that happened after the releasing ceremony ofIxalan. It includes the Oath of the Gatewatch,...
Hi everyone, hope you all are okay, let’s start the review of Guilds of Ravnica. In this article, we will discuss each and every feature of Golgari watermark. I...
Holistic Wisdom is a list of top series, in which the latest trend, hot deck or much Magic pop culture are included. Every day I come with the new...
Today, everyone loves the Planeswalkers because these are a new card and also considering as cool. The planeswalkers are first introduced in Lorwyn. In the recent expansion, it was...
MTG Oath of the Gatewatch Card List As you know that I am interested in sharing the top released cards. According to my experience, I am sharing the top...
We are 16 player team when we decided to go Pro Tour Eldritch Moon. There is the addition of two blood like Marco Cammiluzzi and the Julien Hentry with...
When I was at the Grand Prix Manila site, I meet many players there and spoke with few of them. I look the decklist of everyone after that evaluate...
Hour of Devastation Quick Draft is one of the most exciting and long-awaited additions to the Magic the Game Arena. Fans and game enthusiasts from all over the world...
MTG Eldritch Moon Intro Decks Card List Probably, it is a fact that every card comes with a unique format. So, I am here to elaborate each and every...