What is Podio? You will definitely think this after reading its name, so it is a cloud based platform for collaborating. It was founded in 2009. The ones who are a part of business can use it to create customized application with just bit knowledge of technology. It will provide you many different apps for your work like, sales and project management, apps for customer relationship and applicant tracking. Users can also create their own customized apps but Podio is itself having lots of apps for android and iOS both.


Its setup is quite very easy and simple; it will just take some of your minutes to complete. You will just be needed to enter your name and email address for signing up for a free account. After this you will get a confirmation email having an instruction video for the basics of using Podio. The dashboard will display your profile setting at the top right of page. Your recent activities will be displayed in the profile section.


Its interface is very simple and clear in terms for design it is easy to navigate. The main dashboard will show your activity stream, recent items, connections, favorite apps, tasks and calendar by default. Some icons like chat icons etc will be displayed on the top of screen. Podio can be availed on 12 different languages: English, German, Danish, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Dutch, Japanese and Swedish.

Review on Podio Features

Podio is integrated with chat, almost not available on other project management platforms. It will also show you active and non-active of your contacts. Files can be shared to your contacts through Dropbox, Ubuntu One, Box and Google Drive. It will take one step further for allowing users to set custom integrations.

Final Verdict

It is more than a collaboration tool. It is customized on high level. Chat is integrated in it. it is not having time management tools. It will not be very much suitable for the users who want project management in deep.

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