• August 27, 2018
  • alburraq
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Queen Elizabeth, born on 7th September in the year 1533 at Greenwich Palace. Named after her Grand Mothers, Elizabeth was the second child of Henry VIII of England. Someone who was born in the wedlock while later her mother was beheaded on the 19th of May 1536, when Elizabeth was just 2 years and 8 months old only. After which Elizabeth was declared and therefore considered illegitimate which lead to her deprivation from her palace and the royal succession. Uncrowned Queen struggled with the hardships of life, and along the way had a very helping hand of Catherine Champernowne which was her close friend. By her help, Queen was able to learn four languages which included French, Italian, Flemish and Spanish.

After the sad demise of Catherine Champernowne, Elizabeth went on the pursue her education under William Grindal a great skillful teacher under whom Elizabeth also availed an opportunity of progression in French and the Greek language in 1544. By the time Queen was able to write English, Latin & Italian as well. After William Grindals death, she was able to continue her education under Roger Ascham, who was an English scholar and a dedicated writer. A teacher which was hard to find and still is hard to find, one with the concept that learning should be engaging.

After all the hard work, when her formal education came to its end by the time 1550 and she was one of the most and best educated women of her generation. Every effort brings you a fruit, sometimes we see it and sometimes we are unfortunate. In the Queen’s case, she saw her fruit, as later in life she was able to speak French, Italian, Flemish, Spanish, English, Greek, Cornish, Scottish and Irish. According to a Venetian Ambassador “She possessed these languages so thoroughly that each appeared to be her Native Tongue” in 1603.

Elizabeth, Queen became Crowned

By the time in 1558, Queen Elizabeth succeeded her half-sister to the throne. She, the Queen relied largely on a group of trusted advisors. As she became the Queen, and this time The Crowned – which lead to the establishment of a Christian Protestant Church as her first action after the receival of her Crown.

As with the progression of time, it was expected for the Queen that she would marry and would be a good loving mother of a heir. The only difference here was this, it was expected for the Queen and was not expected by the Queen, instead she decided to remain virgin for her entire life. As she got older, she was getting celebrated for her virginity where a Cult formed around her which was celebrated in multiple ways.

As how the history goes and how Historians depict the Queen, she is depicted as short tempered and as an indecisive ruler. Despite how she is depicted, her dedication and hard work lead to her era as being called by her name, as it is called “Elizabethan Era”.

With the passage of time, Elizabethan Era started to become a series of Economic and Military problems that lead to her weakened popularity. However, she is acknowledged as a charismatic performer in an era where the government was very limited. An era, where the Monarchs in surrounding countries were often face to face with the throne threatening difficulties whereas the 44 years of Elizabethan Era strengthened the Kingdom’s spine and provided stability to it, while being fair enough it was an Era that also helped in the construction of sense of National Identity in to the land, a gift which is an important ingredient that gives birth to the unity of society.

And as the autumn of the year 1602 approached the Queen, she fell in to a deep state of depression where she used to sit motionless on a cushion for hours and hours due to multiple deaths of her close friends. It was the 24th day of March 1603 at Richmond Palace where she died. Queen aged 69 when she died at the palace, and just after her death it was between two or three in the morning, and after a few hours had gone by when Cecil and the council carved out strategies for the Kingdom left behind which lead to the decision of proclaiming James as the King of England.

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