What is Email Marketing?

Promoting or advertising your services or products by using the e-mail service for connection and communication is called e-mail marketing.

Tech marketing is a well reputed content marketing agency. We have got the honor of serving many leading brands.

Marketing and The Modern World

Marketing is regarded as a very essential tool in the business world.Either it be today’s world or the world ages before people always make efforts for marketing of their products or services to make their message reach to maximum people. However, the way of marketing differ considerably.

After the invention of the internet, a huge revolution has occurred in the world and directly or indirectly it had somehow left an impact on every sphere of life. Ages before, there was only the concept of offline marketing ( that is the marketing without the use of the internet) but now in today’s fast-paced world online marketing is preferred moreover offline marketing.

Social media marketing, digital marketing, video marketing, content marketing, B2B marketing are some important modes of online marketing.

Stats show that about 60% of the world’s population is involved in using the internet and among them, 85% of people use email services.so email marketing is one important type of online marketing.

Either you are a brand ambassador, an institute owner or you are campaigning email marketing for restaurants in every case it’ll prove to be the cheapest and easiest way of promotion.

Why Email Marketing?

Here are some reasons which will clearly define why the world still prefer marketing via email.

Extensive Use of Email

Statistic, a German online portal for statistics in a report mention that the figure of global email users had touched to almost 3.7 billion. This clearly indicates that in this highly competitive, developed and modern world if you  wish your voice to be heard by people all around the world then you should not miss the opportunity to market your brand via email.

Open rate of Welcome Emails

How well your email marketing campaign is working?
Now, you can find it out by open rate. This allows you know the ratio of people who are opening your e-mail messages. Knowing this will give you an estimate of your success. And this is another fact that welcome emails have a very high open rate (82% according to Get response,2017). Having such a high open-rate shows how far-reaching your marketing may prove via this platform.

Access to Mobile Users

From the last few decades mobiles are being seen in every hand. Smart-phones are now being the most used gadget. If you’re marketing via e-mail services then 85% of the mobile users are more likely to have access to it. So if you’re looking for greater impact and reach then emails a perfect platform for you.

Email Marketing and ROI

Every $1 you spend on e-mail marketing generates an ROI of $38.So still in 2019 when there are so many other social applications available, you can not ignore marketing via email. It has a massive return on investment and can let you earn a lot, if planned wisely and thoughtfully.

Interactive Emails Create Wonders

Your customers are always willing to hear from you. Sending promotional e-mails frequently to the people let them give a consideration to your brand and they may also end up buying your product.Most of the people leave the purchasing procedure incomplete after adding items to the cart so if you send follow up e-mails to them it may produce  fruitful results.

The days are gone when newsletters were the only mediums of promoting and advertising your brand. Now people seek something unique and different from you. Stats show that if you add a video in your marketing campaign the click rate increase by 300%.

Our Services for Email Marketing

We provide best Email-marketing services to the marketers all over the world. E-mail marketing when pursued rightly give highly positive and successful results. We as an email marketing agency ensure the success of marketing campaigns developed and rune-mail marketing il marketing is a systematic process and we offer our services at all the stages.

Strategy Making

A strong, found and unique strategy is the first and most important thing required for running a successful e-mail marketing campaign. Most of the marketers today don’t have effective marketing plans and so their marketing campaign meet failure at the end. We have got a group of professional analysts in our team which will provide complete guidelines to the clients about building an effective email marketing strategy.

Targeted Audience

Bulk email marketing is not always a good strategy to act on. It may lead you to serious troubles like spam arrest, spot on credibility,etc. Making your e-mail messages reach the targeted audience is a more effective methodology to act on. We help you to send your e-mails to targeted audience for motivation to trust your brand. We’ve specialist to provide relevant email list to the clients.

Increment in Email Subscribers

To avoid the spam arrest and sending email messages to the right audience is a big problem. For this you need a large number of e-mail subscribers. We help you increase your subscribers by promoting your e-mail address on your website. This will convert so many of your website viewers into e-mail subscribers.

Content Development

You’ll only be given attention if your content is crafting and unique. We help you build creative and innovative content. Our members provide best email marketing service for developing engaging content.

Tracking Record

We believe on the relations built on trust and transparency. We allow you access to different e-mail marketing software which will give complete updates to you about how many of your emails were clicked, open rate, conversions, etc.

Types of Email Marketing

Promotional campaigns using the email platform may be of different types. We provide our services for all the types of e-mail. You may choose the one which suits you best. Some of the types are mentioned below:


Instead of advertisement, Newsletters are more about building a strong and sound relationship between the public and the company.They are regular messages which are sent to your those subscribers who had opted to receive updates from you.The main aim is to enhance the interaction between company and people. The messages are mostly in conversational tone comprising of information and news about the company which the customers may be interested in.

Transaction Emails

Transaction emails have a higher opening rate than newsletters.Transaction emails are sent to the people after they trigger a certain action for instance if the buy something from you or reserve a product then this is a response message sent to them as they have a high opening rate (approximately 51%) so mostly marketers avail this opportunity by attaching a promotional message or advertisement of their newly launched product to captivate maximum attention.

Direct Emails

They’re e-mails having direct messages about the products, sales etc.The sole aim is advertisement and promotion.These direct emails most often also contain the links to access that certain service or product.

Lead Nurturing Emails

They are the responsive emails sent automatically after the performance of specific action by the user. They provide the customers with the complete guideline of buying a specific product. It mostly contains helpful content which help in building trust relation.Email marketing automation software are a great help in this regard.

Welcome Emails

The emails which are received after subscription or signing up of a mailing list are called welcome emails. It brightens the credibility of your company and develop trust relations.

Development and Implementation of E-mail Marketing Program

Email marketing is though an inexpensive and smooth way to connect with the customers but the whole procedure is needed to be carried out carefully in a systematic manner.

We ask our marketing staff to work on the following points to get  bright results.

Collection of Comprehensive list of Email Addresses

For getting maximum subscribers to receive your emails you need to grab their attention by sending some discount offers,something unique and different about your company or whatever. There are so many ways to build your email marketing list but the best option is to publish an email registration form on your own website or social account.

Building of Powerful Content

After you’ve got your email list now you’ve to work and focus on creating attention seeking content. If you will be having the same typical advertising content in your email messages as everybody else then you won’t be paid much attention. So come up with something new, from the written content to the layout and display everything must be eye-catching. design a unique and new email marketing campaign template.

Analysis of Emails of Business Competitors

Making careful observations about  strong and weak points of other marketers may let you create your own emails in a more better and unique way.

You may also take benefit of free e-mail templates for marketing available on our website. You can also check real estate email marketing ideas for help.

Choose the Right time for Sending Mail

Email marketing optimization is another important thing to remember. It means to send the e-mail messages at a time when viewers have the maximum possible chance to open it. If you’ll send e-mails without caring about the time the customers may be busy with their works and won’t open it instantly and later on they may forget to check it.

How to Start an Email Marketing Campaign

– Step by Step

Email marketing is one of the cheapest and successful mode of marketing but you need to pay with a lot of hard work, consistency and focus to get positive results.Not only this but you also need to be purely talented having the advanced knowledge of IT and business.

For the sake of simplicity and ease let’s discuss it step wise.

Figure the Requirements of Email

Once you’re done with the thought that you’re going to start your marketing via e-mail. Now to start the procedure first of all what you need to do is, to think about the features you want to implement to your e-mail. You should clearly know your goals to make the path easier to reach them.

Draft your Goals and ideas

Prepare a written manual having the goals and guideline for your email marketing campaign.By writing all the descriptions and wants of your email campaign will let you and your workers move smoothly towards the goal. It’ll help them better understand your vision.

Creation of Email Copy

Once you clearly know your purpose and requirements now start creating the content for email.

Below are some suggestions in this regard:

Keep it short

Remember, never go for unnecessary details just stay stick to the point. This is an important email marketing strategy that marketers need to understand. People will hardly read your long boring messages in their busy, rough life. However,  Use of effective subject lines for email marketing is an important tip for grasping attention.

Relevant content

If you’ll always be sending sales e-mails to them, they’ll get fed up soon. To develop and sustain their interest in your messages make them feel valued. Make them see and read what they want to.

Text must be Easy to Scan

Making the good use of italics, bold, bullets and other tools on MS word is a good thing but an extra use of these may prove harmful for you.

Visible and prominent CTA

The button which is supposed to let the customers trigger some particular action For example sign up or subscribe button is known as Call to Action of the email. This should be clearly visible to seek more attention.


If you’re having the basic information about your subscribers then It’s highly recommended to start the email by calling them with their names. It’ll leave a good impact and will grab the attention of the reader.


Make a deep critical analysis of your e-mail. Work on the things which are lacking. Make sure, it looks perfect before it reach to your customers.

Presentation and Artwork

According to the content of e-mail, attach related pictures to your message. This is an important tip for seeking attention.If you’re not good with designing and graphics there are so many email marketing companies to help you.

Research shows that this tactic increase the click rate by 300% but one thing is to be minded clearly, the file size shouldn’t reach more than 105k. Larger files take more time to load and people are not always so patient to wait.

Also, search for the best font for e-mail marketing and implement them.

Review your Email

Make critical observation of the document you’ve prepared. It’ll put you in serious trouble if you send something irrelevant or weird to your so many subscribers. That’s why always re-read every single detail. After your complete satisfaction now you can finalize it for sending.


After creation and double-checking now you’ve to finally send it.

Check the open rate optimization and send the e-mail at a suitable time.

Tracking of your e-mails

The increased technology has provided us with some amazing benefits. Sitting at home you can estimate your success rate by knowing how many people have opened your email. More then this now you can also know how long a user has opened your email. Different email marketing tools some free and some paid are available for this purpose.

Careers in Email Marketing

E-mail marketers have very bright career opportunities.

Individuals who are purely talented and competitive are hired by

email marketing companies for different jobs like

  • Email marketing manager
  • Copywriters
  • Software developers

And many more.

Even for the development of a sound digital marketing strategy, you need a specialist. E-mail marketing specialist job is to create an email list, write powerful content and increase the opening rate by trying different tactics. They are expertise and use different types of newly developed IT software like automated, e-commerce and businesses software.

You may hire someone for a particular task to be done but now you can also take benefit of full service agency which will take the responsibility to run your whole marketing campaign. We take the responsibility of providing full services for marketing campaign and also for providing help for a certain required task.

Some Basic Terms and Information you need to know About Email Marketing

SMB is an abbreviation used for marketers who are not the owners of large companies. Business to business email marketing comprise of some small(with 80-100 employees) and some medium-sized (with 100-400 employees) companies.

Their marketing campaign is known as SMB email marketing.We offer our services for small business owners too.

CRM stands for customer relationship management. Many CRM email marketing software are available to help you in email marketing system, the sole aim of such software is to build a strong trust relationship between clients and marketers. CRM email marketing is all about strengthening the interaction between customers and the company. CRM and email marketing for small business together make a powerful combination.Email marketing CRM integration increase the chances of success to three

Email marketing integration simply means to add other powerful marketing tools to your e-mail. for instance, you can give access to your social media accounts in your e-mail. Research shows that integration of social accounts with email increase the click rate by 158%.

E-mail marketing price per email differs considerably according to the number of subscribers you’re having and the software you’re using.

Email marketing application is the process of creating and sending an e-mail message to a certain list of contacts. Advanced tools also allow you to schedule the time for sending and later on allow you to track the mail.

Why Choose Tech-Marketing?

Tech marketing will prove to be the best email marketing platform for you. We have proved our self as the best service provider. We diagnose, understand and then give best solutions to you. The good thing about us is our services can also fit in lower budget. So if you’re a small business owner then we guarantee best e-mail marketing for small business. We work as per the demand and needs of modern-day marketing by making the right use of different e-commerce software. Our action speaks louder than our words. You’ll never find us lacking in the fulfillment of commitments.

E-mail marketing is among the most effective type of marketing approached by marketers world-wide. It’s an easy and  inexpensive process but requires serious dedication and exceptional skills. Email marketing is a way more successful than social media marketing. For attaining maximum attention of the public you must create your marketing content with attractive and unique techniques. There are different software for providing aid to marketers using e-mail as the marketing platform.

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