The core of the combo originates from Puresteel Paladin. Puresteel is a 2/2 for 2 mana, however every time you play a gear spell, and you get the chance to draw an extra card. This is a decent method to ensure you’re getting an incentive from your gear.

However there happen to be numerous shabby alternatives. Actually, Present day has a huge amount of gear that have a throwing cost of 0. This deck was nicknamed Cheerios because of the plenty of 0-mana throwing costs littered over the combat zone.

The printing of Sram, Senior Edificer implies that you have twice the same number of Paladin impacts, making your deck unquestionably reliable. Sram will likewise trigger on Quality and Vehicle spells, however you aren’t stressed over that here. With enough 0-mana antiquities, you can beat through your whole deck in 1 turn.

Accorder’s Shield, Cathar’s Shield, Kite Shield, and Spidersilk Net are the best of the pack. They do by nothing, yet probably a portion of the time you will have the capacity to prepare your Paladins or Srams for extra strength against consume spells.

Heaven Mantle is enter in that it’s allowed to cast, shabby to prepare, and will give you helpful mana later on.

Mox Opal won’t enable you to draw additional cards off your animals’ triggers; however it’s a wonderful quickening agent and mana fixer. You as of now have 21 hardware that cost 0 in your deck, and this includes 4 more 0-cost curios.

It’s very simple to play a turn-1 Sram or Paladin in this deck because of the majority of the 0-mana ancient rarities. This likewise enables you to play 15 lands, which means you have undeniably activity spells.

Serum Dreams includes consistency, ready to locate the second mana you have to go off, or the animal you have to win.

Swan Melody gives 1-mana security, and you couldn’t care less about giving them an animal. Grapeshot will inevitably win after you’ve played huge amounts of ancient rarities.

Withdraw makes everything conceivable. Playing antiquities on swing 1 to turn on a Mox Opal before playing a Sram would be a major negative, however you will before long be ricocheting them back to your hand. Over 33% of the cards in the deck are 0-mana gear, so each Withdraw speaks to the capacity to draw a huge amount of cards.

This will likewise reset Mox Opals to be utilized for extra mana. Remember that you can play numerous Mox Opals and get a Lotus Petal impact, so when you’re drawing your whole deck, you’ll have the capacity to cast Grapeshot with Swan Tune insurance. Harmful Recovery is a decent method to ensure you can prop up off as it costs 0 mana to ensure you approach another Withdraw.

This combo deck looks totally marvelous to me, and it was guided to an Association win by an astounding player in Caleb Durward. I anticipate that this will be a noteworthy power in Present day going ahead!

Puresteel Combo (Cheerios) Modern


2 x Arid Mesa

2 x Flooded Strand

2 x Hallowed Fountain

1 x Horizon Canopy

2 x Marsh Flats

2 x Seachrome Coast

2 x Windswept Heath

2 x Plains


4 x Puresteel Paladin

4 x Sram, Senior Edificer


3 x Serum Visions

2 x Noxious Revival

4 x Retract

2 x Swan Song

4 x Accorder’s Shield

1 x Bone Saw

4 x Cathar’s Shield

2 x Kite Shield

4 x Mox Opal

4 x Paradise Mantle

2 x Sigil of Distinction

4 x Spidersilk Net

1 x Grapeshot


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