You can fasten your browsing and make it more secure by DNS services.

DNS (Domain Name System) is a system, it translate the name of domain you will enter in browser to IP address in need to access sites. If you will turn your DNS server to public DNS server, it will make a big difference. It will provide you more responsive, and the uptime records will be lengthy, so it seems there will be almost no chance of any technical problem. Some services can filter your browsing too.

You should choose your DNS service carefully, your new server should be better than your current ISP. Below are some best DNS servers for free.

Open DNS:

It is a primary and secondary DNS server. It is a veteran operator. It will block all mal sites in your browsing. Filtering of web will be up to you. It is owned by Cisco. It is the biggest name in the list of DNS servers. It is a free server with bulk of features.

Cloud Flare:

It is a primary and secondary DNS server. Its performance is really inspiring. Its privacy is strong enough. Community forum support is provided. There are no much extras like ad-blocking or something else. It focuses on the main aspects like independent testing of sites. It is the most efficient public server for free.

Google Public DNS:

It is also a primary secondary DNS server. It is strong in front of privacy. Its transparency is commendable. It is good for the users who are experienced. It is very simple and will be effective for you. There will be some plus features for experienced users.

Norton Connect Safe:

It uses Norton Safe Web. There are three levels of protection provided. Instructions for set-up will not be enough. It will block all malware sites, fraud sites itself. It also offers you to filter the content of site. You will have to use Norton’s name server IP address when you will change your server.

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