• September 18, 2018
  • alburraq
  • 0

To become skilled at writing essays, it is imperative to understand why essays are such an important part of academics. To write a proper essay one needs to have school of thought, mind’s eye, and creativity. An essay is a mirror which will reflect your school of thought, so be honest. An essay will be the mode of communication between a student and an examiner, so be concise. An essay is alienated into 2 sessions.

  1. Structure which is the backbone of the text also called as format.
  2. Content is the body or soul of an essay.

Writing your own statement for your college application is an undeniably overpowering project. Before you write the contents of your essay, you need to get the format done right because if the format is not done properly all your efforts will go in veil. Your essay is your big shot to show colleges who you are — it’s totally sensible to get stressed out. But don’t let that stress eat your school of thought.

This guide will walk you through each step of the essay writing process to help you understand exactly what you need to do to write the best promising personal statement. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the tools you need to create a incredible, effectual college essay.

The formatting which is mentioned below can easily be done in MS Word, so it is recommended to write your essay in MS Word.

  • Margins, Spacing and Font Size

First and foremost you are supposed to leave a marginal space of 1 inch from the top, bottom, left and right sides of the page. With no trouble you can leave a margin space of one inch in MS Word in some few moves of mouse pointer

  • Move your pointer over the page layout.
  • Select 1 inch space for both the sides.
  • Between 2 lines of the paragraph, maintain double space.

Appropriate line spacing can be done in MS Word through the following steps:

  • Select the paragraph.
  • Right click on the selected portion.
  • Go to Paragraph.
  • In the indents option in the line spacing tab. Choose double.

Make certain that you use the Times New Roman font with size 12 to write your essay. This is a worldwide font which is acceptable in all academic papers. Don’t try to use a larger font to write less!

  • Headings

Top left corner of the page is reserved for writing an official heading.

Official headings should be written as per criteria described below;

  • Write your official full name on the first line of the heading even if you are called sweety write your biological name.
  • Write your instructor name below your name.
  • Write the name of the subject or the official code of the subject.
  • Just after the subject, seal it with date of submission.

One of the most overlooked but the most vital component in essay formatting is the header which is not less than the most important part of your reflect. First page of the header should only symbolize number of pages. From the second page onwards, the header should signify your last name, page number and both should be right indented.

Header formatting steps for first page:

  • Go to the insert option.
  • Click on the header tab.
  • Check the different first page option.
  • Point over the design tab for inserting page number.

Header formatting steps for second page and further.

  • Point over the insert option and click the headers tab.
  • In design tab, write the page number.
  • Pick the right indented page number style.
  • Write your last name before the page number.

As per MLA every paragraph should start by leaving a half-inch space at the beginning.

  • A title which is a root of the text will be written right after the heading. Keep it in centre.
  • Make sure when you will jump on the second line, your text is in a proper alignment.

You are ready to write an essay for college application. Be yourself while writing it such as,

  • Be honest
  • Be concise
  • Be smart
  • Be an individual
  • Be coherent
  • Be vivid
  • But be cautious in your use of humor

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