All the people who subscribe to your marketing list should be given the top priority; failing to do so results in an irreversible business mistake.  And, as a fiction writer, email is the ideal way to nurture and cultivate relationships. However, writers find it challenging to make individuals subscribe to their mailing list because apart from words, they have nothing else to offer. Unlike firms, you cannot provide free products or discounts on services. You have to focus on thinking a different way to attract the target audience. Moreover, scrub the mailing list regularly using email address verification to enhance deliverability rates. Here are a few ways by which you can create a good email list.

Choose A Small Target Audience

You have to accept it!

People don’t prefer sharing their email addresses, mainly when a person receives more than 100 emails approxper day.

It’s tough to get sign-up from someone unwilling and not a fan of your work. And, if you’re successful in acquiring their email address, you find it difficult to engage such readers. Therefore, you need to focus on people who have enjoyed at least one of your stories. People who like your writing style will eagerly wait for the newsletter and help you build a strong customer base. There’s no point running behind people who are likely to filter your messages as spam. For a client to respond positively and to reduce the spam complaint rate, use verifiers regularly.

Share Engaging Content

If you understand why your readers like your story, you can quickly figure out ways to grab their attention. Share exclusive email content, which can include sneak-peak into the next novel you’re penning down or additional description about the characters of your previous book. The engagement level would be high with people who have read your work. As you’re targeting a small audience, you can focus on sending highly personalized messages. Always remember that content will remain the king, irrespective of your work field.

The easiest way to clear all the dormant addresses from your mailing list is to use a verifier so that you can able to get connected with the active subscribers.

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