To stay in touch with your audience, you must create content that: Helps solve problems they encounter Draw attention to the business Will work objectively Become relevant and viral Creating content is difficult and can be expensive if you are afraid to learn and experiment.

That’s why today I’m drawing your attention to content marketing trends, which will be relevant throughout 2020. Create a strategy and work on a content plan The marketers and writers working on a site must follow a content plan. The content marketing strategy in 2020 is important in order not to waste the team’s budget, time and effort. Indeed: For a systematic work on a site, it is necessary to develop a content plan Each task must have an execution time, objectives, and a manager It is important to update the content plan in order to working systematically By going to a blog where the last updates were made a few months ago, one has the feeling that it has long been abandoned. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to work with specialist writers, you can create a small content matrix yourself.

Work with Experts and Opinion Leaders Attract famous people to create content on your website. They can be: Experts – specialists who know well specific areas Opinion leaders – People who are listened to and reliable Thus, the experts in the field of content marketing will be specialists from companies engaged in marketing, practicing marketing. And opinion leaders today are those who are listened to and trusted on the Internet. They collaborate with a large number of blogs. Analyze the accounts and choose the best in terms of engagement.

Agencies that engage in content marketing can themselves create experts and opinion leaders from specialists in their business. For this, this is important: Motivation – the interest of the team and the employee for their personal advancement and the growth of the company Self-education – continuous development, communication with experts, acquisition of knowledge and experience A unique offer – to be successful you have to have something useful to offer Personalization of the audience The standard methods of segmenting an audience by gender, age, geography and financial situation stop working. People may coincide in these parameters and in their social status, but their preferences and interests may be completely different. Conclusion – in 2020, you will need personalization. Analyze the interests of your audience and create content that will solve their problems and be relevant.

More visualization and interactivity. Avoid having only or mainly text content on your site. Use more images, illustrations, infographics, videos, and slideshows. Tell yourself that all formats act differently on the audience and work with them. Do not be afraid to experiment.

Streams, records training videos, uses and creates memes. Remember, it will be very beneficial for you to speak the same language as your audience. It is also important not to forget the quality of the content. In 2020, it’s time to stop sharing non-original and non-unique information. Works systematically, but increases the number of documents protected by copyright.

Their creation takes more time, but is also appreciated by the people and algorithms of Google.

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