You might a great app idea burring in your brain, buy you have no idea how to turn your idea in to a reality.

In today’s fast paced world, the mobile app market is mounting by leaps and bounds. Consequently, mobile marketing is becoming more spirited. To make certain the visibility of your app in such a complex scenario, you need to be very particular about the approach being followed for mobile app development.

To craft a thriving mobile app you need to follow a systematic approach to app development. We have sum up 6 steps to create a successful mobile application to help you out in this process.

Step 1: Lay down an aspiration

Step away from any form of technology and get out a pen and paper and delineate what it is you want to achieve. The preliminary line in the app development word is a pen and paper, not complex coding and designing. Raise and retort the following questions:

  • What exactly do you feel like your app to do?
  • How are you going to make it plead to users?
  • What problem is it going to crack
  • How will it make things easier for people?
  • How will you market your app?

Step 2: Sketch your Ideas

Now you need to use the pen and paper that has the answers to the questions about your apps function to develop a sketch of what it will look like.  At this moment you will move about your clearly worded ideas into visual representations of your thoughts.  Come to a decision either if you are going to give your app away or proffer ads to produce money, or are you going to offer it as a paid download.  You can also pick the option to offer in app purchases.  If that is a bit you are going to do, make certain you sketch out those ideas as well.

Step 3: Develop a prototype

Next phase, after identifying the approach is developing a prototype. It is actually the progression of taking your idea and turning it into an application with some basic functionality. A prototype makes it quite easier to sell your idea to potential buyers who can now actually view the substantial benefits instead of just visualizing or reading product description. It is rather helpful in attracting investors and working with manufacturers and finding licensees.

Step 4: Design the Look

Create your UI, user interface which is a very important part of your app because people are attracted to how things look and how easy they are to navigate.  Through the design process, you need to carry on the with the feedback you got from your testers in mind, and you need to make sure the design and the navigation reflect the feedback you got.

Step 5: Integrate an appropriate analytics tool

There is also a need to incorporate appropriate analytics which gives you a detailed picture of how many visitors uses your webs, how they arrived on your site and how can they keep coming back.

Step 6: Identify beta-testers. Listen to their feedback and integrate relevant ones

Beta testing is the first occasion to get feedback from your target customers. It is especially vital as it enhances your visibility in the app store. To spot beta testers is another important task to ensure success of an app.

Android makes this process easy, while iOS likes to keep things in a controlled environment.  There are pros and cons to both approaches, but the bottom line up is you need to hop through one last hoop.  You can minimally upload your app file on any android device and test it in a live environment.  From here on out in your Android app development process, you can keep an eye on your apps progress from your device.

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