What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is the phenomenon which involves the use of several social apps as a communication platform to develop brand awareness and strong interaction between the company and consumers.

Since the last decade, the use of social media had surprisingly increased to a great extent. Man belonging to any age-group, profession or place is somehow involved in the use of social apps. Seeing this extensive use of social media, another terminology was introduced in the business world named as SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING. As soon as this concept evolved, many marketers approach this platform for advertising and promoting their brands and the highly successful results motivate and urge the other marketers to avail the opportunity too. Several social media marketing tools develop, with the passage of time it gains popularity and this is how social media marketing starts developing  firm roots in the marketing world.

We, as a digital marketing agency also actively provide our marketing services through different social media channels. We tend to convert consumers into your potential customers. We have got a distinct name in the social media marketing world. Our staff members consist of skilled and experienced personals. Our effective social media marketing strategies aim to turn your goals into reality.

Brand Monitoring

We can help you improve and track the reputation of your business and find out how people perceive your brand.

Social Media Contests

Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest content can increase your traffic in a short period of time. Our experts can help you determine the most suitable type of content and platform for your brand.

Social Media Management

Our team of social media experts can manage your accounts on your behalf and engage with your audience.

Setup & Custom Profile Design

We create and customize Social media profiles with quality content and aesthetics that resonates with your brand and audience.

Why Social Media Marketing?

You need to know some genuine convincing reasons to opt for social media as your marketing platform.

Here are some reasons.

Inexpensive Process

One important reason that why should you opt for social media marketing is, it has no financial barriers. You don’t need to spend a large proportion of your budget for social media marketing. Email marketing and social media marketing are the cheapest modes of marketing which require less money and give expanded results. Many of the social apps are free to access. You don’t need to have a million-dollar plan for running a marketing campaign via social media all what you need is just dedication, skills, consistency and commitment. If you’ve done an online social media marketing course you’ll boost your promotional campaign by using advanced tactics at lower rates.

Strong Interaction

Social media marketing has proved to be a game changer in the marketing world. Through this platform, you can enhance your relationship with your customers in a much effective way. Content marketing is a new concept developed in the context of emerging social media.  Social media proves to be a bi-sided communication platform that allows consumers and companies to understand each other in a much better way. Our social media marketing company tends to promote your business via different means. We excel in creating unique social media marketing blogs, provide our clients with effective social media marketing plans. You are always welcome to avail our social media marketing services for building a strong and reputed position in the business world.

Global Exposure

Although social media marketing requires not much money but still it gives you exposure to a large number of audience. Social media marketing platforms give you more viewers than any other marketing platform. If the content development is phenomenal then your words will reach to the maximum possible audience and if they find your promotional content appealing they might share it on their profiles too in this way the words spread widely.

Time -saving

Unlike traditional marketing services, you don’t need to spend so much of your time on marketing. This is an instant and quick process. If handled professionally and efficiently you’ll reach your targeted audience just by few clicks within seconds. You might go for a social media marketing course which will help you understand the marketing process. You can now also earn Social media marketing degrees online.

Career in Social Media Marketing

This increasing importance of social media marketing motivates the young generation to earn social media marketing degree online. Many institutions and technical organizations are arranging social media marketing course online. This proves to be a great help to those who want to pursue it as a career. You can consult specialists for social media marketing job description. SEO and social media marketing have very bright career opportunities. Social media marketing salary varies according to job, experience, and region but it’s quite appealing.

You can have a look at social media marketing strategies PDF files available out there on different sites to create a modern-day social media marketing plan.

Having social media marketing certification online will help you get a good position in a marketing agency. The individuals who have done online social media marketing course are preferred over others when giving jobs.

Social Media Marketing Channels

Developers had created so many different social apps for social interaction and many of these apps are being used by the marketers to run their campaigns. We also provide our social media marketing services through different channels. Some popular social media channels are;


Just after the inception of Facebook in late 2008, it had maintained its dominance among all other social apps. It is regarded as the most active and used social app by the public. E-commerce social media marketing has made a rapid progress through Facebook.

Features offered by Facebook

Facebook has some following features which allow you to run a marketing campaign smoothly.

  • You can build a fan page or official page of your brand on Facebook which will allow your followers to get access to all the required information about your company, your services, any upcoming events, etc
  • You can invest a reasonable amount on adds on Facebook to get the attention of maximum targeted audience
  • You can boost a certain promotional post to divert more traffic
  • It offers social media marketing automation, you can schedule a post to publish it later.

Our Services

Facebook is an important application for running awareness and promotional campaigns. Recognizing this importance, our agency is providing marketing services to company owners and brand leaders. We also offer b2b social media marketing, social media marketing for real estate agent. We ought to run a successful campaign on your behalf. We will help you reach a wider audience. People don’t spare their time on rough and long posts so we come up with unique, attractive and engaging content which draws the attention of the users. Our social media marketing agency is successfully running many campaigns via this platform.


Instagram is a much popular and vividly used application today. You can hope to reach the desired audience via Instagram. It is considered as an important social media marketing tool in today’s world.

Features offered by Instagram

Instagram offers many supporting features to marketers

  • Instagram provides verification to the accounts of celebrities and renowned brands and organizations so this helps in strengthening the credibility of their words. Social media influencer marketing is thus contributing a lot to trust development.
  • Instagram is owned by Facebook so it help you drive the targeted attention of users
  • Live chat help in creating strong interaction between the company and consumers.

Our Services

Our Instagram advertising agency has a panel of professional and talented individuals. Sometimes you don’t have enough experience and you’re not aware of the latest marketing techniques so you may not get the desired result. The marketing process requires certain skills and for this proper technical knowledge is important. The individuals who are having a degree in social media marketing from a reputed institute or they have done social media marketing courses online can do this job better. But if you are lacking such individuals then you must benefit from the services offered by marketing agencies. Our analysts, specialists, and executives will work in a systematic manner by using special social media marketing software to turn your advertising campaign successful. You’ll also be briefed in detail about the results.


LinkedIn gives you  access to the most educated and desired audience. It’s the most professional channel to advertise through. A huge majority of b2b marketers are regular users of LinkedIn.

Features offered by LinkedIn

  • It gives you the option to target audience by location, profession, interest, etc
  • You can promote your brand to your website visitors
  • It gives you the access to e-mail the people included in your database.

Our Services

Linkedin is mostly occupied by the users which are highly professional and educated so running a campaign through LinkedIn will set a good impression of your services moreover you’ll get  access to high executives and leading businessmen. Your content to be published on LinkedIn must be highly professional. Those who are having social media marketing degrees can do this job in a much better way. To survive and remain in the competition and race of business marketers you have to put up so much effort. It requires so much of your time, devotion and most importantly knowledge about the latest techniques. So to remain in race you’ve to hire a suitable agency to get your job done. We provide our clients with a complete marketing service at a reasonable cost. We also offer social media marketing for law firms and real estate social media marketing services via LinkedIn.


Youtube is the second largest search engine after Google. It is regarded as the most important channel for video marketing and drive the best audience for you. Social media video marketing is an innovation in the world of marketing. YouTube plays a big role in social media marketing association.

Features offered by YouTube

Youtube has altered and affected the marketing world in a number of ways. It has got so many supporting features for marketers.

  • The comment section below the videos is an excellent means of communication between the company and the audience. And the best thing about your comment section on YouTube is you have the authority to remove and stop the comments which damage your credibility.
  • Your subscribers can opt to have a notification when never you upload a new video. This help in getting maximum attention.
  • You can quantify the results of your video marketing on YouTube by knowing how many of the people had viewed your video.
  • You can link your website, blog or any other social app in your video description
  • You can organize a live chat session on YouTube for better promotion.

Our Services

Showcasing yourself on YouTube is not that easy. It requires a lot of hard work and tactics to remain visible in the crowd. We serve our clients by providing them with highly engaging content. YouTube is an important aspect of our social media marketing affiliate program. Our video marketers excel in the production of unique script, outclass graphics and publication of high quality video. We further also assure to optimize your video so that you may get maximum views. We provide both SEO and social media marketing services which enable you to earn higher rankings on the search page. Our analytics also provide you with complete tracking report. Our social media marketing agency service has a grand experience in video marketing via YouTube. Many automate social media marketing software are being designed for producing fruitful results.

Our Services and Strategies

Tech-Marketing comprises of the most professional and proficient individuals which serve you with complete dedication and loyalty. We have our unique plans and strategies which can uplift your business. Our experts have the knowledge of what’s trending and what’s not. Our social media marketing program is being benefited by the people all around the globe.

Social Media Marketing Manager

When we are hired by a company or brand to run a marketing campaign via social media we ensure to assign a manager to their account. He’ll look into your business keenly to find out the points of improvement. The social media marketing managers build a sound strategy for your advertisement campaign and work for its execution in the best possible way. Our manager mostly owns a master degree in social media marketing.

Proficient Plan

To get desired results you must have a distinct marketing strategy which can help you remain dominant among your competitors. Our panel of analytics and specialists offer to develop a unique and effective strategy for your marketing campaign. We also offer social media marketing tips for small business. Our social media marketing strategy is based on tactics that guarantee 100% result if carried out rightly.

Complete Analysis

We make a keen analysis of your strategies and then compare it with other business competitors to work on the points which are lacking. The areas which are not giving the desired result, we work on their improvement. We give effective social media marketing tips to our clients.

Brand Awareness

We help to set your highly positive image in the business world. To attain the maximum attention we promote and introduce your brand on other social media platforms. We make the use of best social media marketing software for proficient results.

Creative Content

Everybody not stop to watch every single add displaying on screen. We help you to produce such content which can give you potential consumers by increasing the click rate of your ads. Our team specialists help you launch the ads which are attractive and drive the attention of the viewers. Our affiliates are highly qualified and had got training from many social media marketing degree programs. So quality work is guaranteed.


We recognize your right to know that how your advertising campaign is working, for which you’ve trusted and paid us. Our team executives present a monthly report to you which will show the results obtained. The report will give you an estimate of your success. We’re quite affordable as compared to other social media marketing agency pricing.

Our Specialities

Everyone is in the effort of choosing the best social media marketing agency. We want you to choose and trust Tech marketing because of the following reasons.

Affordable Services

You can check the social media marketing pricing plans on our website it will give you the idea that comparatively we’re charging a fairly reasonable cost for our services. The money you invest on our marketing service is worth it. Our social media marketing proposals don’t cost a large proportion of your budget.

Co-operative Staff

We have got a highly professional, mannered and skilled staff. From manager to executive everyone is so co-operative. We work according to the desire of our clients. We value them and their wishes. We promise to provide you with the desired results.


Trusting someone who lacks experience might put you in trouble. Our successful experience of 12+ years make us trust-able. Satisfied reviews from customers have strengthened our credibility.

Social media marketing has proven itself as the most effective and successful mode of modern-day marketing. Different channels are being used for launching promotion campaigns. However, only those campaigns end successfully which are being run by professionals. Our agency offers full-time services to marketers. We’ve earned a great name in this field by our consistent struggle and professional talent.

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