
Today, the Magic Formats is based on two things that is Modern and Standard. Most of the players did not get the difference of these formats. However, the players are divided into two sector that is new players of Modern or Standard. My theme is to introduce these formats regarding the eye of the player. Here is some analysis given below:

Modern includes in the non-rotating format and Standard has rotated one

The Standard formats depend on the given expansion like magic Core Set or the Origins of Magic. At the time of releasing the Zendikar Battle, thus the Magic Core Set of 2015 depends on the Standard rotating formats.  Maybe it is announced in future that the Blocks has two or maybe three sets. It means that the size of the Standard rotating depends on the card pool.

Probably, first, you need to understand after that wait to unfold the rotation level. If you are an experienced person then you can consider Coast Wizard. However, the Modern format is quite different from the Standard format.

Modern has large whereas Standard has small pool card:

This is just because the Standard has not enough expansion rather than Modern. So, it can be considered that there is only a small card pool in Standard. There are more than 5 or maybe 6 Standard expansion in the future.Through this, we can evaluate that the Standard card pool estimated as the card number of 1000-1500. This could be the easiest step for a new player for entering into the Standard format. In other words, the Standard step is too overwhelming.

Legally, there are more than 9000 cards in the sector of Modern and this estimation is according to the Gatherer. The modern size is greater than the size of Standard. However, there are so many cards available in the Modern and as a result, players are getting confused while choosing. When a new player enters the Modern then he has to face many challenges instead of Standard.

Standard has volatile rather than Modern:

In the volatile format, the trend to change or getting more fluctuated is enhancing regularly. Meanwhile, the same thing is doing the Standard. Just imagine this thing that you have only 1000 cards and instantly the expansion has to release. The number of cards can be enhanced easily when there is an increase in expansion. For instance, there could be 25% increments.  Significantly, most of the expansion simply add in the Standard changing just to change the metagame.

Additionally, it could be mean that the deck of Standard need to updated regularly, whenever you stuck in the risk or when you released the new expansion. It is not necessary to get the new expansion of cards. However, you can update while staying competitive. It is quite a difficult process to understand the Modern. In the card pool, you can simply add increments more than 2% or maybe 3%

Modern include in the diverse format instead of Standard:

Standard has fewer cards, on the other hand, Modern has more cards. The main difference is only the diversity level. You can’t say that there is no diverse level, yes there is less diverse level rather than Modern. Frankly speaking, you can get 30 type in the Standard format and that could be actually competitive. Entirely, the Modern has more than 60 type of deck.

How you constructed while playing?

It totally depends on your capacity that how you play the Magic cards. There is a huge difference between Modern or Standard card. If you truly want to enjoy the deck while playing, then you can choose the Modern or sometimes Standard. So, you never be bored. Quickly, the format gets changed when the new released occur.

However, it is a fact that the rotation is changed from time to time.If you are not interested in playing the Magic, then you are far away from the luxury as well as using the high format power.

Final Verdict:

It depends on your taste, if you satisfied with Standard then you can go for Standard format. Additionally, for more update, you can view our database of MTG Mint Card deck. Before playing make sure that you research properly.

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