In this article, I am going to discuss the Raise Your Standards. In my last article, I discuss the Wizards and some changes in the regards of decklist. I was literally shocked about the changes of skeptical. And nowadays, the newly changed decklists is going to releasing soon. I am so much excited to see the changes. It seems like the Standard comes with the resurgence of experience that comes in the viable decks. In the local tournaments, there are many possibilities that the Standard viable deck comes with the best tournament experience.

In many ways, you will find out that the modern format is different from the Standard unbanning such as the Bloodbraid Elf and the Jace, the Mind Sculptor.  However, I love to go with the innovative deck. I am coving important aspects because I just consider the important one. So, let’s have a look here:

Blue-Red Artificers

The first deck that comes into my list is the Blue-Red Artificers. I have never seen like this deck before. So let’s assuming the Blue-Red Artificers. It has a creature, spell, sideboard, and lands.  In this deck, all the creature comes with the artificers because it comes with Inventor’s Goggles. The question arises that why the equipment cost occurs when you are bothered for playing with Inventor’s Goggles. Are you play this creature without any cost? You can see that the deck comes with the different features.

There are many ways of bothering the Energy theme, such as with Whirler Virtuoso you can create Thoptertokens, with the help of AetherSwooper or the Aether Chaser you can create Servo token. Additionally, you will get the lifelink, if you have the AethersphereHarvester. In other words, you can simply you can deal with that energy which can be helpful for the creature of your opponents, it doesn’t matter that it can be connected with the Harnessed Lightning size.

Additionally, Decoction Module is said to be the speaking energy that is helpful to accumulate the energy. You will gain the energy whenever any creature gets the control of the battlefield. If you have the AetherSwooperor the Aether Chaser while playing with the Decoction Module.

U/R Control – (by Turnip_head)

In the early creature, the deck did not have any way of removing the creature. You can control your opponent when you have the 4-5 turn. While deploying the threat, you will definitely board enough with your opponent. In the previous, we all saw that the Whirler Virtuoso deck is helpful for proving the work that comes with the Thopter tokens blocking factor. In the begin, all the token is nibbling away to their offense while considering the life of your opponent.

However, you will get another threat, such as the Saheeli Rai. With the help of this deck, you will ignore your opponent. With the ability to allow +, you can easily deal with the opponent damaging point, also you can find all threats. At the end of the game, you will serve like the ticking clock. If you want to get the Glorybringer, then you will manage your game. Saheelicomes with the battlefield that is being used with the ability to use the Glorybringer, so it is helpful for making the temporary copies.

Blue-Red Flyers

This is the final deck in my list. The Blue-Red Flyers comes with the Star City Games Classic.  This deck is helpful for attacking when you are totally stuck. The evasive creature of the opponent tells about how to attack. Naturally, the flying creatures are the most difficult part for blocking. The Favorable Winds has the increasing threat that comes with the managing ability. I simply love this deck because of the Warkite Marauder powerhouse. You will definitely assume the situation when you have the Rivals of Ixalan, so we can say that this deck really shines.

The Rekindling Phoenix comes with different cards. The reason behind choosing this topic is, I just wanted to explain my favorite deck. If you think that I miss something or I have not explained any deck, then you can send a message or directly contact us.

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