Which One is Better In Camera?

In the last couple of years, Google has introduced high-quality Smartphones. These Smartphones have imposing design and alluring highlights. Quite recently, Google has launched the Google Pixel 2. After the success of this cell phone, it has planned and designed a new version which is known as the Google Pixel 3. In the Google Pixel 2 review, you might have seen that the Camera of this phone is of great importance. As compared to the predecessor, the Google Pixel 3 specs are much better. This time, Google has not just focused on the camera but on other features as well. In the event that you want to know about the better one than not to worry! We have put forth diverse features of these phones so that you can know the difference.

  • Long Battery Life

Every Smartphone user is looking out for a phone that has a good battery life. When it comes to the long battery life then the Pixel 3 surely has a better battery. The predecessor had 2,700mAh battery while the latest model Pixel 3 has 2,915mAh battery. It is quite a nice upgrade.

  • Wireless Charging Fans

The wireless charging fans are incorporated in the Google Pixel 3 which is an amazing feature. For the first time, Google has used this technology in its cell phone. This feature has not been included in the Pixel 2. On the other hand, the Pixel 3 supports the Qi wireless charging standard. Due to this reason, the users will have the capacity to use a lot of existing chargers. In a couple of days, Google is going to sell its own charging stand which will not be expensive yet high in quality.

Pixel 2 VS Pixel 3 Camera Comparison

The biggest difference between Pixel 2 and Pixel 3 is the camera. Google has used an advanced camera in the Pixel 3 due to which its picture quality is much better than the Pixel 2. Not just the hardware but the new lens and sensor technology have been incorporated in the best manner. In Pixel 3, the users will be able to see an additional front-facing camera. This additional camera is of 8MP and its lens is quite wide-angled. It can cover up the 97-degree field-of-view while the Pixel 2 was able to cover up 75-degree field-of-view. Therefore, many people can come into the group photos with the help of the wide-angle camera.

Advanced Camera Mode for Evening Photographs

Pixel 3 surely has three advanced camera modes, one of them is the evening shift. As the name proposes, it has been especially incorporated and planned to improve the low-light pictures. It basically uses an algorithm to realign the settings of light. Nevertheless, the Pixel 2 was also good in taking low-light pictures but the latest model is too good. With the advanced model, Google is now ready to compete with the Huawei’s Smartphone cameras.

The other mode of the advanced Smartphone is the Top Shot. It is able to take the eruption of the HDR images prior then the user hits the shutter button. It is able to get amazing photographs. The last mode is able to decrease the camera blur. Because of these trio camera modes, the Pixel 3 is good in camera as contrasted to the Pixel 2.

Should You Upgrade?

In the event that you already have purchased the Pixel 2 then there is no need to upgrade at all. It is also a nice Google Smartphone and has a lot of cool features. It is also readily available in the market. In fact, the Pixel 2 XL version is also quite good as it is accessible. Nevertheless, if you have not purchased the Pixel 2 yet then it is recommended that you should go for the latest model. Without a doubt, it has many amazing and advanced features as compared to its predecessors. Those who are fond of taking pictures and videos should opt for the advanced model for sure. It has trio camera modes that make it stand out from the rest. The extended battery life and wireless charging fans are also incredible highlights.

Still, in the event that you are going to pick any of these smartphones then it is recommended that you check out the Google Pixel 2 review on diverse websites! In addition, you should read out the Google Pixel 3 specs properly.

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